Sciatica Chiropractic - Healing Chiropractic & Rehab Center
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Sciatica Chiropractic

Sciatica Chiropractic


Chiropractic Carefor Sciatica

Sciatica is an incredibly painful condition that can stop you from participating in all of your usual daily activities, and can affect many areas of your body, making it difficult to find the right treatment.

Sciatica originates when the sciatic nerve, which runs from your hips to your feet, becomes inflamed, causing back pain and other negative symptoms. If you have sciatica pain, you should consider seeking chiropractic care as this can help to relieve pressure on your nervous system and promote bodily healing. For more information about sciatica, how to spot it, and what you should do if you believe you have this issue, find out below of what to expect and how Healing chiropractic & Rehab Center’s unique chiropractic treatment can help you.

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Studies have shown that almost 40% of all people will suffer from sciatic pain in their lifetime. If you are one of the tens of millions of Americans currently suffering from sciatic nerve pain, chiropractic care may offer help.

Healing Chiropractic & Rehab Center offers a no-hassle approach to chiropractic adjustments. Our goal is to administer chiropractic treatments to our patients without the complex billing or wait time at our offices. If you need affordable, quick chiropractic treatment, you’ve found the right place.

Causes of Sciatica

The sciatic nerve is a substantial branch of the nervous system that extends from the spinal cord down the leg on both sides of the body. It is, in fact, the longest nerve in the human body, which is one of the reasons that there are so many associated types of pain that originate from the sciatic nerve. Sciatica occurs when the sciatic nerve is injured, stressed, or the body puts pressure on it. These are the five most common causes of sciatic nerve pain:

  • Age-related conditions – Herniated disks and bone spurs can apply pressure to the sciatic nerve.

  • Obesity – Additional weight can pressure the spine and sciatic nerve.

  • Repetitive Stress – This usually occurs via work. Jobs that require twisting and lifting or driving for long periods of time often lead to sciatic conditions.

  • Sitting – If you sit for long periods without getting up to move occasionally, you may be more prone to sciatica.

  • Diabetes – This disease often increases nerve damage risk, which can affect the sciatic nerve.

  • Herniated disc – Herniated or deteriorated discs can increase pressure on the nerve, leading to sciatic pain.

Regardless of the underlying causes behind your sciatica symptoms, chiropractic care can offer natural relief. That’s because spinal manipulations alleviate the pressure on the sciatic nerve. Our chiropractors can improve circulation, promote good posture, and mitigate the inflammation that’s causing you to feel sciatica pain.

Symptoms of Sciatica


How do you know if sciatica is the cause of your pain? Here are some of the most common signs of sciatica pain:

  • Weakness when bending the knee

  • Burning sensations in the leg

  • Pain emanating from the hamstring muscles

  • Pain emanating from the back muscles

  • Numbness in the leg or foot

  • Pain in the knee or foot

  • Tight muscles in the leg or buttocks

  • Muscle spasms in the lower back or affected leg

  • Incontinence

Because sciatic nerves extend through such a substantial part of the human anatomy, sciatica can manifest itself in many different ways. Unlike pain relief medication, Sciatica chiropractic therapy provides long-term relief by addressing the underlying condition.

Treatments for Sciatica Pain

The following are some of the most effective ways to treat sciatica:


Physical Therapy

The following are some of the most effective ways to treat sciatica:



Massage Therapy

Massage can help relax muscles that may be causing the spine to pull to one side or the other.

Spinal Manipulation

Chiropractors identify the specific location in the body causing sciatica pain. They then adjust the spine, which alleviates the pressure on the nerve causing pain. Getting chiropractor help with sciatica is a holistic solution for painful sciatica, which is why so many people see a chiropractor to treat this painful condition.

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FAQ About Sciatica and Chiropractic Care

Patients who come to Healing Chiropractic in the hope of relieving sciatic pain often ask the following questions.

Is Chiropractic Treatment Good For Sciatica?
Because chiropractic pain is frequently caused by the spine pressing against the nerve, a chiropractor is often able to relieve pain with a series of spinal adjustments. Over time, these treatments align the spine, which reduces the discomfort.

Is Chiropractic Treatment Good For Sciatica?
Because chiropractic pain is frequently caused by the spine pressing against the nerve, a chiropractor is often able to relieve pain with a series of spinal adjustments. Over time, these treatments align the spine, which reduces the discomfort.

What If My Back Is Too Tight For An Adjustment? 
At Healing Chiropractic & Rehab Center, we use a three tiered approach for adjustments. The Crack® is a manual adjustment by a trained chiropractor. If that fails to achieve the desired results, we can place you on a Thompson drop table, which should facilitate the cracking of your back. Finally, if neither method works, we have a sensitive instrument that will apply a low-impulse force to the region. We refer to this as the Snap-Drop-Crack method.

How Long Does It Take For A Chiropractor To Fix Sciatica?
While you may experience immediate relief after your early visits, it requires multiple visits to achieve lasting results. That’s why so many patients come to Healing Chiropractic & Rehab Center when they’re seeking a chiropractor in Miami. Our doctors are committed to patient convenience. We offer chiropractic sessions with a highly skilled chiropractor without waiting and at an affordable price. If you are looking for a healthy, medicine-free alternative to sciatica pain, Healing Chiropractic & Rehab Center is the right choice.

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No-Hassle Chiropractic Treatment in Miami

Healing Chiropractic & Rehab Center is committed to treating our patients in a timely manner. Our rates are lower than the copay of most insurance plans. Contact us today to end sciatica pain.

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